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News Article

5/11/2024 8:16:37 AM  by   admin
May 14, 2024 - Committee Meeting

Historic Burying Ground Committee

 Tuesday, May 14, 2024

10:00 am

Lower Level Conference Room - Town Hall




1. Introduction/Approval of the Minutes 

2. Old Business 

3. Committee Formation & Defined Tasks

a) Reorganization

b) Stewards 

4. Burial Ground Maintenance

a) Hubbard Burying Ground, Flanders

b) Misc. headstone repair

c) Fencing at North End Burying Ground

d) Supplies 

5. Website/Burial Ground Data Project 

6. Goals & objectives: 2024

a) Stewardship projects

b) GIS Burying Ground Layer

7. New Busines